Nature, substances, & authenticity

Tammy Panoussopoulos
2 min readMay 29, 2021

Research summary

This year I have done researches on many different topics. My first primary source of inspiration and interests were fungi (mushrooms and molds), an absolutely fascinating subject to study. I have learned many unsuspected aspects of mushrooms and their full implication and primordiality within the global biodiversity and food chain. These organisms are closer to humans than we are to plants — which is extraordinary — .

In a second time, I explored the notion of image and how the art practice might inspire others and shift their perspectives. How do we look at images? What are the foundations of our image culture? Do we look at images or do we consume them? What is the male’s gaze? ‘Images are omni-present in our everyday life, we transformed what was a written world into a pictural world’ (Gombrich, 1972).

Later, I oriented my researches towards the concept of countercultures and their association with substance intake. Their philosophy and ways of living an alternative life in a booming modern world and overwhelming growing society and its impact on youth and unemployment. Also, I looked into Dada as a counterculture, exploring plausible links between punks and Dada through their rejection of any conventional from. This topic lead me to throw some of my political ideas on the streets through graffiti and its thrilling illegal aspects.

Punk dystopian print

Finally, I explored ecologies and the use of natural spaces, expressing my concerns and a deep thirst for a massive shift in societies, notably by starting to consider elements that we, nowadays, consider as ‘insignificant’.

Next year, I plan to engage with the controversial subject of drug use within the universe of art and creative minds. I want to expose questions like: ‘Does it take away any of the art piece’s qualities?’ or ‘do we look at a piece the same way once we know it has been done in such a context?’ and ‘ is it politically acceptable?’.

